Food Groups To Avoid While Managing MS

Food Groups To Avoid While Managing MS

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that has the effect of rupturing Myelin, which is the insulating layer around the nerves. Since this affects the brain and the central nervous system, the damage interferes with the signal exchange of the brain and the other parts of the body and vice versa. A good diet can help in reducing the symptoms and help you manage the condition. If you are wondering which food groups to avoid in MS, read on.

Fried Foods
As you deep fry food, the fat level increases. Further, the oil is exposed to high temperatures which lead to harmful byproducts such as trans fats. These trans fats not only damage healthy cells within your body but cause inflammation. Such inflammation makes you susceptible to infections which can lower the immunity in your body.

Sugary Foods and Drinks
There is hardly anyone out there who can refuse a great dessert. However, if you are looking for information about which food groups to avoid in MS, then look the other way if you are offered a sweet treat! A diet that is high in sugar can dramatically increase the symptoms of any autoimmune disease. There are several studies about the ill-effects of sugar. Such studies state that sugar can dramatically lower the strength of your immune system for a long while after such consumption.

Nightshade Vegetables
Some of the vegetables you consider healthy contain a group of substances called alkaloids. These vegetables are popularly known as nightshade vegetables. For instance, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers fall into this category. In one of the many studies conducted on mice that were fed these vegetables, it was noted that there was an increase in intestinal inflammation. So, if you are wondering which food groups to avoid in MS, then you must stay clear of the nightshade vegetables.

Dairy Products
Do you have a sensitivity to eggs or dairy? Well, it may make sense to completely avoid this food group. Consider taking a break from milk, eggs, cheese, and other milk-based products as this can certainly aggravate an already-sensitive digestive system. This may further lower the health of your immune system. So, if you are considering which food groups you must avoid in MS, then dairy products are on the list.

Bread, pasta, pizza, and beer should be avoided at all costs, especially if a person has MS. If one has celiac disease or is allergic to gluten, it can cause severe stomach pain, diarrhea, or in some extreme cases, nerve damage. Your gut has a close relationship with the immune system, and therefore, it is essential that this food group be avoided until you are sure that this does not aggravate the symptoms of MS.

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